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Treatment Abandonment in Feline Sporotrichosis: study of 147 Cases

This study describes the epidemiological, clinical and mycological aspects offeline sporotrichosis cases attending the Laboratory of Clinical Research on Dermatozoonosis in Domestic Animals – Evandro Chagas Clinical ResearchInstitute (LAPCLIN-DERMZOO/IPEC/FIOCRUZ), from 1998 to 2005. It waspossible to get in contact with 147 (19.2%) cat owners. One hundred and thir-teen (76.9%) cats were male, 117 (79.6%) had no defined race and 87 (59.2%)were sexually intact. The age ranged from 72 to 216 months (median =108 months). Nineteen cats were reassessed: eleven (57.8%)  were male, thirteen(36.8%) were breed and fifteen (47.3%) castrated. Fourteen (52.6%) animalslived at home and did not roamed the streets. Seven (36.8%) had normal clini-cal findings and negative mycological examination. Twelve (63.1%) cats hadskin lesions compatible with sporotrichosis. Thirty-one (21%,n= 147) catsdisappeared after abandoning treatment, 36 (24.5%,n= 147) were alive and 80(54.4%,n= 147) had died. Causes of death informed by the owners were:sporotrichosis in 35 (43.7%,n= 80), accidental death in 27 (33.7%,n= 80)and other diseases in 18 (22.5%,n= 80). Withdrawal of treatment occurredmainly at the time of clinical improvement and may represent a seriousobstacle to the control of sporotrichosis.

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  • Chaves, A. R.
  • Campos, M. P. de
  • Barros, M. B. L.
  • Carmo, C. N. do
  • Gremião, I. D.
  • Pereira, S. A.
  • Schubach, T. M.