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Early Evidence for Zika Virus Circulation among Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

During 2014-2016, we conducted mosquito-based Zika virus surveillance in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Results suggest that Zika virus was probably introduced into the area during May-November 2013 via multiple in-country sources. Furthermore, our results strengthen the hypothesis that Zika virus in the Americas originated in Brazil during October 2012-May 2013. We conducted a surveillance program for mosquitoborne viruses during February 2014–June 2016 in Manguinhos neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We collected mosquitoes on a weekly basis by using portable backpack aspirators and transported them on dry ice to the Núcleo Operacional Sentinela de Mosquitos Vetores Nosmove/Fiocruz in Rio de Janeiro, where they were counted and their sex and species level were determined. 


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  • Ayllón, Tania
  • Campos, Renata de Mendonça
  • Brasil, Patrícia
  • Morone, Fernanda Cristina
  • Câmara, Daniel Cardoso Portela
  • Meira, Guilherme Louzada Silva
  • Tannich, Egbert
  • Yamamoto, Kristie Aimi
  • Carvalho, Marilia Sá
  • Pedro, Renata Saraiva
  • Schmidt-Chanasit, Jonas
  • Cadar, Daniel
  • Ferreira, Davis Fernandes
  • Honório, Nildimar Alves